Unsigned attributed to the Edo Ishido school
NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Edo Ishido
Sayagaki by Kanzan Sato to Edo Ishido
26 9/16” cutting edge length
Unsigned katana attributed to the Edo Ishido school. The Edo Ishido school is known for its craftsmanship in producing works of the Bizen Kamakura school. The works mainly consist of gorgeous choji midare mimicking those of the famous Ichimonji school. In fact, sometimes mistakes are made in judgment and some are dependent upon the polish to determine a accurate appraisal.
This blade greatly resembles the work of the Yoshioka school. The gunome choji midare is very well done and the feeling is of an older blade from the koto period.
The mountings are very nice, from the 1800s. The motif for the Tsuba and Fuchi Kashira are fans. The menuki under the wrap are shakudo with a floral design. The beautifully done red lacquered scabbard also has a long shakudo kojiri as well. A very nice starter blade with the blade in shirasaya and the mounts on tsunagi