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Fukuoka Ichimonji

Fukuoka Ichimonji

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Fukuoka Ichimonji

NBTHK Hozon to Ichimonji

Sayagaki by Tanobe Michihiro to Fukuoka Ichimonji



Wakizashi in the modified form known as a Nagamaki Naoshi. This modification from a long polearm was common for long polearms from the Koto period to be reused as a Katana or Wakizashi. This piece is one of the higher level type as it is from the famous Bizen Fukuoka Ichimonji school. The Fukuoka Ichimonji school is considered to be the best of all of the Ichimonji groups. Their flamboyant O choji midare is apparent here in this blade. The utsuri is also outstanding as well. Filled with 3 dimensional activity, this blade is an excellent study piece at a quarter of the price of a Juyo rated longer blade with the same qualities. Tanobe sensei wrote how excellent this blade is which should be enough for anyone.

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